Tuesday, October 13, 2009

She's so cute.

So let me tell you a little bit about something that happens ever night. Brittany and I always end up having the "you always fall asleep on me" conversation. Even on nights like tonight when she says 'I'm wide awake and will be for about 20 minutes,' it only takes a matter of seconds of her head hitting the pillow that she passes out into a night full of weird dreams.

This gives me the opportunity every night to really think about us. Even though I've never been one to do real deep thinking about one topic for hours on end I can't help but constantly have my thoughts and my dreams revolving around her.

This is something I have NEVER had before. It just makes me so incredibly happy that somehow I deserve this. We deserve this. Brittany Marie Beaupre is the love of my life and I will be with her until the day that I die. I went through my text messages tonight and read some from months ago that really made me smile and brought back memories.
May 31, 2009 10:44pm
I love you Jason Michael Ivey, with my entire heart that forever belongs to you.
--I was laying on my bed
May 31, 2009 10:55
You're the best thing to ever happen to me I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.
--Still on my bed with the most incredible feeling overwhelming me.
June 8, 2009 2:30am--Priority set to 'High'
I love you with everything i am. and i'm never going to stop. you are the first guy ive ever fallen for that i was meant to fall for. you treat me right and you love me for ME. thats what matters. and im so happy every other girl has passed you up, no matter how much it may have hurt or pissed you off, same goes for me, i am so happy for them and i thank them all, whoever they may be. because i can not wait to find out what life has in store for our future together. i love you so much jason. <3
--The most beautiful text message I've ever gotten. Without a doubt the girl that I am destined to spend my life with, I am forever hers with everything that I am.
August 27, 2009 2:44am
i am going to marry you jason. i want your last name...i want a family with only you..i want to be with you for the rest of my life..but it doesnt stop the hurt of seeing you drive away like that..
--The first time she ever mentioned actually wanting to marry me. I know this is going to happen no matter how scared we both are of that huge step. Her name WILL be Brittany Ivey before this is all said and done. Doesn't matter if it is in a few years or 10 years or 15 years she will be my wife. Time to just sit back and enjoy the ride that life has in store for us because I know it is going to be one that is full of amazing feelings and new experiences.

I keep these things because she really does mean that much to me. It's hard for a lot of people to understand but I do love her. I love her the way a man should love a woman. I love what the distance between us has done. I love the trust we have built together. I love how we appreciate each other so much more now when we are together after spending so much time apart. I love her with every ounce of my being and I'll forever try to better myself to meet everything that she deserves.

22 days left until I see the one person that makes my heart smile. Soon it will be 10 days and then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I have a lot of things that I want us to do. She has a lot of important people to meet and I just want her to see where I come from and what has made me into the man I am today.

Until then, I'll continue to sleep on my side of the bed, with her perfume on the table next to me--waking up every morning to her scent is the most amazing feeling ever. I can't wait to be able to wake up to her every morning.

I love you Brittany.

--your muffin.

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